
Black Knight – Global Tracking Systems

Black Knight - Global Tracking Systems


For many reasons, we pay special attention to our vehicles. The purchase cost alone sometimes requires lots of sacrifices and many of us give them meticulous care. There also offer many unforgettable memories and we feel we are indebted to our machines in a certain way.

A vast majority of us customize our machines with a multitude of aesthetic, convenient and performance accessories. However, we can’t overlook security! Adding security may not have an impact that could impress your friends, but they might reconsider it later, when the usefulness and benefit of a security system are demonstrated. Because of this, the BLACK KNIGHT GPS tracker is definitely a must.

Black Knight - Global Tracking Systems
Black Knight – Global Tracking Systems

What is a GPS Tracker?

A GPS tracking unit is a navigation and geolocation device connected to a moving vehicle, and it uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to track the movements of the device and determine its location. The saved position data is stored in the tracking unit. This makes possible to display the position on a base map in real-time or during the subsequent analysis of the plotted course, using a cellular device. The benefit should be immediately clear.

Do I need this type of device?

As mentioned earlier, a large majority of us pay great attention to the stuff we possess. It is impossible to have a constant eye on these and be in continuous contact with their position and status. In the case of an unplanned, unknown trip, the BLACK KNIGHT device offers the possibility to provide the necessary information if theft occurs. In this case, you only need to transmit the information to the police to help them find the location and arrest the thief. The chances of rapidly finding your stolen vehicle are greatly enhanced , which alone makes this a great value investment.

Another use is that it allows you to check the location of the vehicle and notify the rescue team when a search needs to be made to find someone you know who has ventured too far into the middle of nowhere and was reported missing. The recovery time will be greatly improved with this device, which can be a lifesaver.

Black Knight - Global Tracking Systems
Black Knight – Global Tracking Systems

Why choose BLACK KNIGHT?

BLACK KNIGHT is one of the world leaders in GPS tracking device technology. They design miniature and very discreet devices that can be hidden almost anywhere. They can track the vehicle in real-time, let you view recorded data, set anti-theft alerts, and more. It is a professional security solution that allows you to always have the geolocation of your investment.

Thanks to this device, you can enjoy peace of mind because it offers unparalleled precision, real-time monitoring, a reading of the recorded history of the last 12 months, security alarms (virtual barrier, loss of power), police assistance (rapid recovery from theft), flexible data management, etc.

Black Knight - Global Tracking Systems
Black Knight – Global Tracking Systems

BLACK KNIGHT GPS tracking units can be connected in two ways depending on the model. Some take their power source directly from the vehicle’s battery and others via the OBD-II port. There is no risk of draining the battery even if you do not use our vehicle for a while, as the BLACK KNIGHT has been developed to operate at very low power. In addition, this device sends a notification if the vehicle’s battery loses its full effectiveness (low voltage alert).

BLACK KNIGHT uses GPS to track the position of your vehicle and a 3G cellular network to transmit data to their servers, and subsequently to your monitoring device (phone, tablet or computer).

Black Knight - Global Tracking Systems
Black Knight – Global Tracking Systems

This device sends a notification when your vehicle leaves a specified zone, by activating a Geofence violation alert. If you allow anyone to drive your vehicle but only in a predetermined area and these parameters are not followed, it is possible to receive an alert warning you of this matter. To define the geographical fence, all you have to do is change the settings and drag the circle to the restricted area and adjust its size by clicking and dragging the edges. When done, all you have to do is save everything and enjoy this great monitoring feature.

BLACK KNIGHT tracking devices can also send an alert when your vehicle exceeds a predefined speed. All you have to do is choose a speed between 40 and 130 km/h in the settings and you’re done.

These are just some of the features that allow you to have a global view of your vehicles and to be assured of being in continuous contact with them.

Black Knight - Global Tracking Systems
Black Knight – Global Tracking Systems

Model Z-3

We opted for the BLACK KNIGHT Z-3 device. At first glance, we find it very small and easy to hide. In fact, it is barely larger than a lighter so it is possible to conceal it in a discreet place out of sight.

Here are the easy steps to take full advantage of the device’s features.

  1. The BLACK KNIGHT device must be connected to a continuous power source (preferably 12V).
  2. The LEDs blink during the GPS network connection, then stay on once it is established. After 5 minutes of connection, the LEDs go out.
  3. BLACK KNIGHT recommends making the first connection in an area where the cellular signal is strong and clear sky view.
  4. Once the connection is established, you can hide the device safely in a place out of sight.
  5. We registered our device at www.bk-gts.com/activate. This step is important because our unit will be linked to our data and profile. Then we downloaded the Black KNIGHT application to our cell phone to have the possibility to collect and consult the recorded data.
Black Knight - Global Tracking Systems
Black Knight – Global Tracking Systems

Now is the time to enjoy the benefits

For sure, the BLACK KNIGHT tracking device has greatly changed our habits since we started using it. We have greater peace of mind in ensuring that we are in touch with our vehicles and have the assurance of their availability. GPS trackers are more and more used nowadays and it is certainly an investment to think about in the near future.

For more details, please visit www.blackknighttracking.com