CFMoto Generators, when it comes to outdoor work, the most important thing to consider is not so much how hard it is to get the job done, but how well equipped you are to do it. Working efficiently more often than not starts with the right tools. And when the work to be done is in areas where there is no electrical power, you will need to bring a generator. Depending on the size of the job and the amount of electrical power needed to do it, this generator will have to be sturdy, compact, light and powerful to do it effortlessly and without hassle.
In the same vein, if you want to go on quad biking trips in remote areas without power supply and you don’t want to deprive yourself of all the advantages that modern civilization brings, you will need to generate electricity in an efficient and discreet way without spoiling the peace of the place by producing harmful and annoying noises.
And this is where CFMOTO comes in. We already know about CFMOTO quads: they look modern and bold, they are well put together and well equipped with standard equipment packages that would put the competition to shame. As interesting as their quads are, CFMOTO surprises us once again with a line of portable generators that offer some very interesting features.
CFMOTO Generators
Very compact and light, this generator with inverter of 3000 watts maximum is perfect for small and medium jobs. Its compact design is ideal for outdoor use when you need to carry several tools and equipment in a limited space such as the trunk of an ATV or the cargo box of a CCV. The LH 271 weighs just under 23 kg (50 lbs) with a full tank of oil and gas, and its small size makes it easy to handle and transport even in rough and rugged terrain.
Its operation is very simple: just pull the starting cord. When it is running, the LH 271 emits a whirring sound of about 52 decibels (dba), so it is very quiet and this noise level will not disturb your conversations even when you are close by. Despite its small size, this generator is well equipped with an Eco mode that adjusts the fuel consumption according to the power required, low oil and overload alarms, an output indicator and a fuel gauge that indicates the level of the 5-liter tank.
Underneath its solid and elegant blue plastic shell is a 79cc air-cooled four-stroke gasoline engine that holds 400ml of engine oil. With so little oil in such a hard-working engine, it’s important to make frequent oil changes. CFMOTO has provided an easy access hatch on the back of the housing to simplify this critical maintenance task.
The LH 271 generator is equipped with an inverter that provides a clean power supply, i.e. a near perfect sine wave without distortion that will protect sensitive electronic equipment. Electrical power is available from two 120-volt outlets rated at 20 amps each, and a 12-volt DC car cigarette lighter outlet providing 8 amps will power 12-volt accessories, such as a cooler. All these features and CFMOTO’s 5 year limited warranty make this a very interesting product.
For more demanding jobs requiring even more power and versatility, CFMOTO presents the big sister of the LH 271, the LH 451-E inverter generator of 4500 watts maximum. Just like the previous one, this generator is easy to start and will remain silent during its operation. With a noise level as low as 55 decibels (dba), the LH 451-E will whisper in the background during your conversations.
Its larger size and weight of 41.4 kg (91.2 lbs) with all fluids make it a heavier generator, but it will still be easy to transport thanks to its molded-in side handles, rear wheels and telescopic carrying handle. It can be carried around much like a wheeled suitcase. Under its white plastic shell is a 212cc air-cooled four-stroke gasoline engine. Since this engine also contains 400 ml of oil, it is equally important to change it on a regular basis.
Like its little sister, the LH 451-E generator is also equipped with an inverter to provide clean power and a 12-volt DC outlet. An Eco mode that optimizes fuel consumption, low oil and overload alarms, an output indicator and a fuel gauge on the 7-liter tank complete the equipment.
CFMOTO still manages to surprise us with innovative products at a good price and that are well positioned compared to the competition. These two small generators, the LH 271 and LF 451-E, are compact, light, powerful and quiet and are well supported by the manufacturer thanks to their five-year limited warranty. What more could you ask for?