
CQC launches a major survey all over the country



The Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC), the Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council (COHV), the Motorcycle and Moped Industry Council (MMIC), and the Canadian Quad Council (CQC) have collaborated to commission an economic impact study of powersports in Canada. The study aims to analyze the direct and indirect economic effects of on-road and offroad motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs) at both national and provincial levels.  

The purpose of the study is to document the significant contributions the motorcycles, ATVs and ROVs make to regional economies and the national economy in Canada. The results will be used to support discussions with all levels of government on how to advance the industry.  

As part of the study, an online survey has been developed, and we encourage riders to provide information regarding their spending habits with regards to their activities. It is critical that we get this information to ensure we capture the full extent of activity associated with motorcycles, ATVs and ROVs.  

MNP LLP, a Canadian business advisory firm, has been hired to conduct the research study.   

MNP will only use the responses gathered through the survey for the purposes of this study and individual responses will not be shared with any other party. The responses gathered through the survey will only be used to inform the research study and will be presented in an aggregate format, without any identifying information of an individual person.  

The survey can be accessed here: https://form.simplesurvey.com/f/l/MCC-COHV-CQC-2023Survey. or with the QR code below. Thank you in advance for your support on this important project.  

Should you have any questions or concerns related to the economic impact study, please contact Oksana Buhel at 416-948-1891 or obuhel@mmic.ca

For questions or support related to the survey, please contact Edmond Farah at 416-454-8397 or Edmond.Farah@mnp.ca

Quick Facts

  • Survey is anonymous.
  • Takes 5 minutes or less to complete.
  • click to select, no essay type questions.
  • There is an opportunity to win one of several $250.00 Visa Gift cards. The participant must provide an email address. The email addresses collected will not be used for any reason other than to notify the winner. (No mailing lists, no selling the list etc…)
  • The contest is not open to residents of Quebec. This kind of giveaway contests is against Quebec’s Law

hank you in advance for your support on this important project.